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Calling All Express So Kindred Spirits

yes that means you enjoy a good espresso as well as good organic uncensored unfiltered politically incorrect authentic discussions with a variety of people. Wepa!

Rosangel Perez

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Express So Community - by Cafecito Break

Important Message from Cafecito Break Creator, Rosangel Perez #humanstateofemergency

Sometimes it feels like I woke up on another earth.

I know that I am not the only one that feels this way. Many people I have spoken with are worried. They are losing trust in the media. What is worse is that alternative media/content creators, and voices like mine are getting censored, blocked, muted, deleted. It is like there is a force that wants with all of its might to destroy authentic discussion, critical thinking, and alternative ideas.

Political correctness, outrage culture, social media bully tactics, and accusations for example, have destroyed many lives. How can we move into creating healthier communities if we can’t talk to one another?

I am a former MTV Line Producer and I have produced a podcast for over 8 years. I must confess… I believe we are in a human state of emergency.

In a world where there is so much that is fake, staged, or edited, Cafecito Break invites thoughtful critical reflections regarding our society, culture, and our day to day relationships.

Each show is a lil journey.

Every show teaches us something, even if what it teaches is hard to look at or talk about.

We don’t try to control it. We allow it to flow and we weave our show and our intended conversations around it.

We host our shows live via the internet or in person. Each show has its own magic and wisdom.

Connecting with community matters to us. Our show is not a mainstream show. It does not receive the kind of attention it could because some of the topics we host are not welcomed in mass media.

Allow me to share some insights of what motivates me to produce this show…

I believe in hard work.

I believe in doing what you can with what you have.

I believe in big dreams and great visions.

I believe in prayer and thank you’s.

I believe in kindness and truths.

I believe in integrity.

I believe in protecting our freedom of speech and expression.

I believe in our right to bear arms.

I believe in progress and prosperity.

I believe in taking sacred moments to listen within. I believe in religious freedom.

I do not support the victim-hood mindset.

I do not feel less privileged because I am a woman or because of the color of my skin.

I feel blessed to call USA my home.

I am Puerto Rican and I f%king love that.

I am passionately unapologetic.

I speak from the heart, dance, laugh, and sing with my drum.

I am scared we are becoming human robots.

I am concerned we are addicted to our smart devices.

I worry about the growing separation between men and women, adults, children, and old people.

I am concerned about AI, 5G, Smart Meters, WIFI, Vaccines, and Geo Engineering, the health of our water, and gentrification.

I believe we were deceived about 9/11.

I worry about the children. We must protect them.

I witness a society forced into silence.

I witness people afraid to speak and self censoring.

I have so many questions…

Who are we listening to? Who do you listen to? Who should we be listening to?

Where is the room for truthful honest conversations?

What happened to the good old fashioned debate?

What is the legacy we are creating for our children and our future?

Do you care about privacy in this unfolding surveillance society inside and outside our homes?

Have you noticed how this adds distance, coldness, distrust to relationships?

This sickness is covering society disguised as our friend, but discern… It’s entered our relationships, even our most sacred ones.

The evidence and numbers don’t lie…

Anxiety, depression, loneliness, rage, suicide, drug use are on the rise.

What is happening to us?

We need to talk about these things.

We’re losing social skills, the human interaction skills, how to read a person’s mood, to read their body language, how to be patient until the moment is right to make or press a point. Too much exclusive use of electronic information dehumanises what is a very, very important part of community life and living together.” -Vincent Nichols

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Be a part of our community and enjoy exclusive videos, discounts on merch and future events.

More importantly, you will be helping us co create a feel good Cafecito Break community.

Thank you for being here. Please connect.

in gratitude,

la shamanessa, ra

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Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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